The class is designed to teach students about web applications, digital citizenship, personal network building, and social media responsibility and practice. This blog will be used to share with our readers the tools, websites, and web resources that students are learning about. We hope that you find a tool that you can utilize. WE CLICK TO: DISCOVER, EXPLORE, LEARN, CREATE, COMMUNICATE, COLLABORATE, CONNECT AND SHARE - ARE YOU CLICKING?

Tuesday, February 19

Today's Topics

Last class meeting you explored the iPad App.  Please finish your post if you have not done so.

Mrs. James will demonstrate how she uses Google Drive - and the benefits of utilizing this tool.

Review how to share a document on the iPad.

Upload a file into Google Docs

How does Google Drive on the Mac work once it is downloaded and installed?

Today - you are going to explore:

Google  - About Google

Google Doodles

Google Jobs

Doodle History