The class is designed to teach students about web applications, digital citizenship, personal network building, and social media responsibility and practice. This blog will be used to share with our readers the tools, websites, and web resources that students are learning about. We hope that you find a tool that you can utilize. WE CLICK TO: DISCOVER, EXPLORE, LEARN, CREATE, COMMUNICATE, COLLABORATE, CONNECT AND SHARE - ARE YOU CLICKING?

Monday, March 25

Welcome back from Spring Break!!!!!

Today's Topics:

  • Compare Anything - you will compare to items
  • Creating online games
  • Claymation - you will create an avatar
  • Stykz - you will create a frame by frame animation
You will create a post about each website today that we explore.  We will begin with exploring the Compare Anything website, than creating a hangman game.  I am not for sure how far we will get today.  You will stay with Mrs. James on each website.  Please do not explore a website until directions to move on are given.