Quibblo online quizzes: Take fun quizzes; create quizzes, fun surveys, polls & personality quizzes. Make your own quiz for your blog or Facebook!
You can also create a story! A single author story, a group story, or even a chain story where you pass your book to others to write the next chapter of your book - cook huh!!!
A Scored Quiz can have any number of questions with right and wrong answers, like a test. Create a "Scored Quiz" with at least 5 questions about a topic covered in one of your current classes. Post your quiz to your blog!
A Poll has a single opinion question with no right or wrong answer. Create a "Poll" and post this to your blog.
You can also create a story! A single author story, a group story, or even a chain story where you pass your book to others to write the next chapter of your book - cook huh!!!