The class is designed to teach students about web applications, digital citizenship, personal network building, and social media responsibility and practice. This blog will be used to share with our readers the tools, websites, and web resources that students are learning about. We hope that you find a tool that you can utilize. WE CLICK TO: DISCOVER, EXPLORE, LEARN, CREATE, COMMUNICATE, COLLABORATE, CONNECT AND SHARE - ARE YOU CLICKING?

Firefox Personas

Firefox personas is a way to personalize your firefox browser. It also makes your browser look more visually appealing versus just the plain default gray. There are many "skins" available to choose from. There is a search bar in the top right of the main screen to find specific designs you like. There is also many categories to choose from if you don't know something to specifically search. Your firefox needs to be updated with the correct software, but on the main screen of the website they provide a link to download it if you don't already have it.

You can choose a holiday theme!  To personalize your Firefox browser window click here!