The class is designed to teach students about web applications, digital citizenship, personal network building, and social media responsibility and practice. This blog will be used to share with our readers the tools, websites, and web resources that students are learning about. We hope that you find a tool that you can utilize. WE CLICK TO: DISCOVER, EXPLORE, LEARN, CREATE, COMMUNICATE, COLLABORATE, CONNECT AND SHARE - ARE YOU CLICKING?

Tuesday January 29 - Blog Backgrounds

Want to change the background of your blog.  Blogger offers several layouts and backgrounds for your blog, however there are several websites that you can find FREE backgrounds that may fit your personality better.  For instance thecutestblogontheblock has several free backgrounds - especially holiday or season themed backgrounds. It also has banners and buttons, etc. 

Want to change the background of your blog.  Visit any of the following websites!

You can also do your own search for blogger backgrounds.

Have fun changing your blog background to correspond with the holidays!!

Here is one of many websites:  The Cutest Blog on The Block

To change your background, you will add a html gadget.